New product ranges EasyFLOW ECO
3 August 2023Rhoss presents the new EASYFLOW ECO ranges: units with water source, scroll compressors and low GWP R454B refrigerant. The new units, available in water cooled chiller, reversible heat pump, EXP […]
POKER290: Special Report on JARN – July
28 July 2023Focus on POKER290 Rhoss in the latest issue of international magazine JARN! A special report on new Rhoss Modular ATW Heat Pump with R290. Read the article and look at […]
12 July 2023Three new sizes are available, in the “WinPOWER ECO and WinPOWER ECO EXP” ranges, Rhoss air-cooled heat pumps and EXP multi-purpose heat pumps with scroll compressors and R454B refrigerant gas, […]
New product range “FLOW BOOSTER EVO”
4 July 2023FLOW BOOSTER EVO, the new water cooled non-reversible heat pumps range (designed for heating only) with scroll compressors and low GWP R513A refrigerant. The new product range is available in […]
29 June 2023Efficienza, versatilità e flessibilità con le unità polivalenti EXP. C’è sempre maggiore attenzione da parte degli studi di progettazione a tematiche di efficientamento energetico del sistema edificio-impianto e le unità […]
New product range ElectaMAXI-ECO
16 June 2023ElectaMAXI-ECO, the new Rhoss range of reversible heat pumps with low GWP (675) ecological refrigerant R32 with a heating capacity from 18 to 30 kW, is now available. Ideal for […]
Rhoss Learning 8-9 giugno
9 June 2023Si sono svolte l’8 e 9 giugno 2 giornate formative rivolte a progettisti e professionisti termotecnici. Un’occasione per aggiornarsi sulle evoluzioni in ambito normativo europeo rispetto ai trend dei nuovi […]
Madrid – “Foro de Descarbonización de Instalaciones Térmicas”
1 June 2023The ‘1st Forum on the Decarbonisation of Thermal Installations – Electrification of Demand in the Industrial and Tertiary Sectors’ was held on 30 May in the Endesa X Auditorium in […]
2023 Sales Meeting RHOSS DE
27 April 2023The Sales Meeting with the entire Rhoss Deutschland team was held in Frankfurt on 27th and 28th March 2023. An opportunity for discussion, finally once again in presence, where the […]
Rhoss France – “Nouvelles solutions de climatisation et de chauffage pour les nouveaux enjeux du marché HVAC”
21 April 2023Si è svolto presso il Kartodromo “Only Kart” di Dagneux in Francia, in collaborazione con Rhoss France, il convegno rivolto ai nostri clienti e partner dal titolo “Nuove soluzioni di […]
New heat recovery range UTNR-T FRESH
5 April 2023Rhoss presents UNTR-T FRESH the new range of fresh air units with counterflow static heat recovery. A range with an air flow rate from 400 to 3.300 m3/h. Features […]
New product range POKER290
23 February 2023After a complete catalogue of products with A2L refrigerants, Rhoss introduce the new range with natural refrigerant R290: POKER290, high-temperature and low GWP reversible heat pumps with scroll compressor. The […]
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