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NewWinFLOW ECO EXP WinFLOW EXP TXHET 4185÷4395 Web code (TXHETU): WFX05 Web code (TXHETY): WFX01180÷373,8 kW200,1÷435,7 kW
Fan coils with EC motor BRIO-I SLIM Web code: BRIS1 Web code accessories: ACFCS1,0÷4,0 kW1,4÷5,5 kW
Fan coils with EC motor COVER for BRIO-I SLIM Web code: BRIS1 Web code accessories: ACFCS1,0÷4,0 kW1,1÷4,6 kW
Fan coils with EC motor YARDY-I EV3 Web code: YARI3 Web code accessories: ACMEC Web code controls: ACREG1,9÷8,4 kW2,5÷11,8 kW
Fan coils YARDY EV3 Web code: YARV3 Web code accessories: ACMEC Web code controls: ACREG1,0÷8,3 kW1,4÷11,7 kW
Fan coils COVER for YARDY Web code: YARV3 - YARI3 Web code accessories: ACMEC Web code controls: ACREG1,8÷4,8 kW2,3÷5,8 kW
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